#!/usr/bin/env coffee # Huh?
#!/usr/bin/env coffee
This program takes a literate source file and “compiles” it to its native form. It is self-hosting! That’s not as impressive as it sounds, really.
WTF is a literate source file?
A literate source file is a markdown file that contains the source code it describes. It is a form of documentation interwoven with the implementation.
A literate source file must end in its native extension followed by “.md”. For example,
, markdown.pl.md
or rails.rb.md
All indented code blocks of four spaces or more are kept and compiled or interpreted. All other lines are ignored.
Okay, like, can you give me an example?
You’re reading one. Or technically, you’re reading the rendered form of this one. Running this program on itself yields this tiny coffeescript file.
Prove it.
It’s not complicated. In order to “build” one of these things, let’s define a shorthand for the exec function.
$ = require('child_process').exec
And get the filename from the first argument…
file = process.argv[2]
Then we can grep out documentation and cut out indentation.
$ "cat #{file} | grep '^ ' | cut -b 5- > $(basename #{file} | cut -d . -f 1-2)"
The heck just happened?
That’s the entire program. It’s not even a program, really. Just a script hidden inside a ton of mindless yammering. And inside that script is a bash one-liner that does all the real work.
But why?
The point is that it takes a single line of code (or three, at a stretch) to make any programming language support modern literate programming. It works, but it sure ain’t fancy. I bet you can do better. LP holds serious potential in today’s distracted tech world, but the tooling for it is just not there. One can envision a SCM-integrated wiki that is simultaneously its own codebase and, potentially, its own test suite, as well. This has huge implications for bridging gaps between managers, architects, engineers and customers. It excites me so much I think I just wet my pants a little. But we’re not there yet.
This page is my small step in that direction.
As an added bonus, here’s how to generate fancy-ass documentation as well:
$ "marked #{file} > $(basename #{file} | cut -d . -f 1).html"
There. Four lines. Is that enough SLOC for my TPS report? Now go, write some LP already, and have fun.
Where credit is due
I owe a small thanks to kom lim’s StackOverflow Answer from which I swiped shamelessly.